Italian Cheese Sampler in Gift Box (3.4 pound)
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Italian Cheese Sampler in Gift Box (3.4 pound) Buy It Now
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Thanks for your visit our website. Hopefully you will satisfied with Italian Cheese Sampler in Gift Box (3.4 pound). You click to Italian Cheese Sampler in Gift Box (3.4 pound) For Check prices here. You can Buy Italian Cheese Sampler in Gift Box (3.4 pound) Online Store.
"Italian Cheese Sampler in Gift Box (3.4 pound)" Feature
This sampler features four cheeses that are typical of four distinct regions of Italy:- Provolone Piccante: We love this Piccante version, which is rarely available in the U.S. and much more interesting than the mild Provolone most Americans have come to know. One of the great sandwich cheeses, Provolone Piccante is also an excellent melting cheese that is perfect in omelettes or atop a toasted baguette. (8 oz)
- Grana Padano Stravecchio: The original hard Italian cheese, Grana Padano is a firm, dry, fruity cheese from the Po Valley of Northern Italy. Stravecchio is aged for an optimal 20 months. Grate it over pasta, vegetables, or soup; or serve it as a table cheese drizzled with extra virgin olive oil. (8 oz)
- Mountain Gorgonzola: Italy's famous blue cheese comes from Lombardy. Made from cow's milk taken from local herds that graze on beautiful rolling pastures, no Italian Cheese Assortment would be complete without a cut of authentic Gorgonzola. (8 oz)
- Pecorino Toscano: This soft, sheep's milk cheese is made in the hills of Tuscany. It is young, sweet and springy. We find that this combination well represents the wide variety of flavors and textures found in Italian cheeses. (8 oz)
- Signature Cheese Serving Knife: Specifically crafted for us at, this multi-function cheese knife is the perfect tool to easily slice uniform servings of your favorite cheeses.
- Crostini Tuscan Crackers: Perfect for serving with cheeses, fruit, and spreads when entertaining. (4 oz)
- Gift Presentation: Hand assembled in our signature chocolate colored gift box, finished with an elegant matching bow.
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