Executive Collection of Salami and Cheese in Gift Box (3 pound) by igourmet
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"Executive Collection of Salami and Cheese in Gift Box (3 pound) by igourmet" Feature
We invited top executives from neighboring companies to join us for a tasting where the question was, "Which products fit the bill for an Executive Collection?" Notes were made and a forum began. With so many great flavors and opinionated palates in one room, it became a passionate decision-making process. We found that the most satisfying flavors for CEOs were ones that got straight to the point. Eventually, a collection was created. A full flavored Gouda with a punch; a stalwart cheddar; a rare white truffle cheese of the highest caliber; and a faithful, true blue. These assertive cheeses are paired with Italian-style and French-style salamis and crackers that are up to the task. Our stately chocolate-brown gift box incorporates all of these foods plus a branded igourmet.com cheese knife. It's all in the details:- Beemster Classic Extra Aged Gouda: A bold 18-month aged Gouda from north Holland. (8 oz)
- Black Diamond Extra Grand Reserve Cheddar: The pride of Canada, reserve is taken from select cuts and aged for over two years. (8 oz)
- Boschetto al Tartufo Bianchetto: A mixed milk cheese from Tuscany that incorporates rare white truffle shavings. (5 oz)
- Mountain Gorgonzola: The authentic creamy blue from Lombardy. (8 oz)
- Molinari Salame: One of our favorite cured meats. (8 oz)
- Saucisson Sec: This naturally air-dried pork sausage is made from a time honored recipe from the mountains of France. (8 oz)
- igourmet.com Signature Cheese Serving Knife: A high grade tool for carving cheeses.
- Daelia's Crackers for Cheese: Designed specifically for pairing with cheeses. (4 oz)
- Gift Presentation: Packed with care in our signature chocolate brown gift box and finished with a handsome matching ribbon.
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