Set of Fondue Cheeses in Gift Box (2.6 pound) by igourmet
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Set of Fondue Cheeses in Gift Box (2.6 pound) by igourmet Buy It Now
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"Set of Fondue Cheeses in Gift Box (2.6 pound) by igourmet" Feature
Fondue is a traditional Alpine specialty, blending the distinct flavors of three classic melting cheeses: Emmentaler, Gruyere, and Appenzeller. White wine, Kirsch brandy, and certain spices can then be added to taste, creating a delicious hot meal. With its bold flavor and creamy texture, fondue is perfect for a main meal or as an appetizer, and is always a hit when the weather turns cold. This set of gourmet cheeses provides the correct ratios to make a classic cheese fondue (see included recipe).- Appenzeller: A smooth textured raw cow's milk cheese from Switzerland with a fruity tang. Also a great melting cheese. (8 oz)
- Gruyere: The classic cheese from Switzerland, aged 4 months. Essential in everything, from sandwiches to Fondue. (1 lb)
- Emmentaler: A wonderfully versatile raw cow's milk cheese with a nutty, spicy, full flavor. (1 lb)
- Recipe Sheet
- Gift Presentation: Hand assembled in our signature chocolate colored gift box, finished with an elegant matching bow.
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