Sunday, February 24, 2013

Best Classic Italian Hard Cheese Comparison (1 pound)

Classic Italian Hard Cheese Comparison (1 pound) by igourmet

In order to appreciate the subtle differences between Grana Padano and Parmigiano Reggiano (they are actually made from the same recipe), one should taste them side-by-side. That is why we have created this special offering, containing 1/2 pound of each. Enjoy them chunked and drizzled with thick 4-Leaf Balsamico, thinly sliced over caesar salad or carpaccio, or grated over soup or pasta. Each of these cheeses has a long, storied history and the two have been rivals for centuries. Let the debate continue!

  • Grana Padano Stravecchio Oro Del Tempo: Contrary to popular belief, this grand cheese from the Po Vally is not simply an inferior Parmesan. In fact, a premium Grana Padano rivals the best that Parma has to offer. In this example, we serve our Stravecchio (extra aged) variety which earns the name Gold From Time. (8 oz)
  • Parmigiano Reggiano: Internationally known as one of the world's greatest cheeses, by law this hard cheese can only be made in either Parma and Reggio-Emilia from a certain type of milk taken from a certain breed of cow. The law also dictates its minimum aging period, its aging conditions and at least 20 other constraints, meaning that every single 80 pound wheel that gets stamped with the Parmigiano Reggiano brand lives up to a standard that has been lovingly developed over the past 800 years. (8 oz)
Read more Classic Italian Hard Cheese Comparison (1 pound)

Classic Italian Hard Cheese Comparison (1 pound) Feature

  • Assortment of two classic Italian hard cheeses
  • Parmigiano Reggiano and Grana Padano Stravecchio
  • Compare these two heavyweights head-to-head
  • Both are excelleent chunked or grated
  • Imported from Italy

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